ACETYL L-CARNITINE – 500mg Capsule


Olympian Labs Acetyl L-Carnitine is an advanced form of L-Carnitine.

The Acetyl attached to the L-Carnitine molecule allows it to travel from the central nervous system through the blood-brain barrier and enter the brain, where it acts as a powerful antioxidant.

L-Carnitine transports fatty acids into the cells’ fuel burning centers (mitochondria) for the generation of metabolic energy. The highest concentrations of carnitine are found in red meat, but eating a large amount of meat to achieve the same levels found in supplements also introduces large amounts of unwanted fats and calories.

Olympian Labs Acetyl L-Carnitine Benefits Include:
Supports Memory, Alertness & Mental Focus*
Helps Maintain Energy Levels*
Endurance and Stamina Support*
Supports Heart Health

Dosage: 500 mg
Servings: 60
Size: 60 Capsules